How To Get Rid Of Pesky Sugar Cravings

Did you know the average American consumes about 152 lbs of sugar per year? Sugar consumption has increased from 10 pounds of sugar per person, per year in 1800 to 152 pounds of sugar per person, per year today. Sugar is added to many processed foods. Think about it, on average we eat about one pound of sugar every day!

Have you ever started eating a bag of chips or cookies and found yourself having a hard time stopping? Have you ever thought why that is?

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition proves that higher-sugar, higher-glycemic foods are addictive in the same way as cocaine and heroin. In this study, it was proven that foods with more sugar, not only will raise the blood sugar, but they will trigger a special region of your brain’s pleasure center that, when activated, makes you feel good and drives you to seek out more of that feeling. In other words, sugar intake causes an imbalance in your brain chemistry causing you to have increased craving for sugar. 

Every day, we have a chance to stop and detox and rewire our brain and bodies. In order to break these cravings and live an overall healthier life, we can implement these five strategies.

Eat real food: 

Eating sources of healthy fat and protein at each meal helps curb sugary cravings. Attempt to incorporate foods like olive oil, avocado, veggies, legumes, nuts and seeds. Avoid processed foods as they are not considered real food. 

Keep your blood sugar steady:

Start your day with a nutritious breakfast containing a healthy source of protein such as eggs, nut butters, or protein shakes. Steady blood sugar will ultimately help with decrease in hunger and cravings. 

Quit sugar:

It all starts in your kitchen pantry. The only way to reset your brain is to stop eating sugar all at once. You must eliminate foods containing refined sugar, sweetened beverages such as soda, juice, and artificial sweeteners from your diet; think of them as drugs that will fuel the addiction. 

Be stress-free:

Did you know sugar cravings and stress-eating go hand in hand?  When you are feeling stressed, you are more tempted to reach for a bag of chips or cookies. You can de-stress by doing yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, or a simple light physical activity such as walking to reduce stress. 

Get quality sleep:

 Lack of sleep results in cravings for sugary food and carbs. Hence, it is essential to aim for 8 hours of quality sleep in order to curb unhealthy cravings and improve overall health.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product mentioned in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.   The information in this article is not intended to replace any recommendations or relationship with your physician.  Please review references sited at end of article for scientific support of any claims made.